Friday, June 12, 2009

It has been a crazy year! I finally did get out of the hospital. I was not in a coma that long. David mis-led people. I was however, not able to use a computer for a long time. My hands were damaged and I needed a lot of physical therapy.

The worst part has been my relationship with my husband. A number of years ago it came to my attention that my husband was spending lots of money, behind my back, on food and video games. He had gained a bunch of weight and I couldn't understand why, because we eat mainly vegatarian. We worked through the lying and the trust issues (or so I thought). We had been 15000 dollars in debt and it took us 4 years to get out of it. While I was in the hospital, my family came by each day. One day, as I was talking with my daughter, I asked her how she was doing with taking care of the house more. She said that it was not to bad, that Amy was coming over to help out. I thought that was so great. Amy is a neighbor of ours whose family we have done lots of activities with. A few days later, my son was showing me photos he took while he had some friends over, Amy and David were in the background and seemed a bit too close for my liking. It sat in the back of my mind for a while but then I just felt I was over reacting. Soon I was going home. It was a great reunion. Seeing all my kids and husband at home just felt sooo good. A couple days later I was cleaning up and I found a digital camera card under the night stand. I gave it to my son, but he said that it was a different type than our camera takes, but you can just plug it into the printer to see whose it is. Luckily, I didn't get around to it until the next day when the kids were in school. Wow! It turns out that it was my husband's and Amy!!. You can imagine. Pictures AND videos! in birthday suits!!!!

Soooo! that is why I have taken so long to post. I was/am devastated. I thought he was honest with me after the spending issue!

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Hi all,
I am out of the hospital. Thanks for the prayers. Sorry I haven't written. Life has been crazy and sad. I need to go get the kids up.

love jane